ベトナム社会科学院Phan Cao Nhat Anh(ファン カオ ニャットアイン)先生をお招きしてゲスト講義を開催しました

UPDATE 2023-08-21


私たち摂南大学国際学部/外国語学部森ゼミナールは、2023年6月20日(火)3限にベトナム社会科学院(Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences)のPhan Cao Nhat Anh(ファン カオ ニャットアイン)先生をゲストスピーカーとしてお招きし、オンライン形式(zoom)でゲスト講義を開催いたしました。


ニャットアイン先生は現在、ベトナム社会科学院において「インドおよび南西アジア研究所(Vietnam Institute of India and Southwest Asian Studies)」の副所長をなさっています。日本の福祉政策を専門とされており日本研究に従事して20年ということで、流暢な日本語で講義をしてくださいました。また、最近はアジアの国際関係に研究領域を広げ、ベトナムのマスメディアでもコメンテーターとして登壇されています。






(文責:国際学部/外国語学部3年生 奥村珠帆・太田彩夏)


Dr. Phan Cao Nhat Anh, Deputy Director General Vietnam Institute of India and Southwest Asian Studies (VIISAS) at Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences (VASS), Delivers a Guest Lecture on Vietnam-Japan and Vietnam-Korea relationship.

On June 20th, the Mori Seminar of the Faculty of International Studies hosted an online guest lecture with Dr. Phan Cao Nhat Anh, Deputy Director General Vietnam Institute of India and Southwest Asian Studies (VIISAS) from the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences (VASS).

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and Vietnam. For this reason, we invited Dr. Nhat Anh majoring in Japanese policy for about 20 years. Recently he also has researched international relationships, especially in the Asian area. These days, he appears on the news show of Vietnamese mass media.

During the lecture, Dr. Nhat Anh had a conversation with us kindly. So we were able to understand Japan-Vietnam relations well. And since we are currently researching about the social influence of Korean Pop culture, he also told us about the relationship between Vietnam and Korea and the K-POP boom in Vietnam.

Dr. Nhat Anh said that the good relationship between Japan and Vietnam is due to modern history and much mutual collaboration. For example, symbols of Japan-Vietnam relations in the 1980’s such as the ‘Viet and Duc Nguyen case, and the ‘Nhat Tan Bridge (Vietnam-Japan Friendship Bridge)’ constructed with Japanese ODA(Official Development Assistance) in 2015. Recently, Japan provided Vietnam with a lot of medical equipment and supplies during the Covid-19 pandemic.

We asked Dr. Nhat Anh some questions about what Vietnamese people think about Japanese people. He replied, “Vietnamese have a good impression of Japanese people. And Japan developed rapidly after the war and provided much assistance to Vietnam, I don’t know if that’s why, so they have unique viewpoints”. And Dr. Nhat Anh said, “If Japan and Vietnam continue to cooperate with each other in education, culture, and security, both countries will develop together.”

At the same time, however, he said, “Although Japan-Vietnam relations are positive, Korean culture is more popular in Vietnam than Japanese culture. Young Vietnamese people tend to favor Korean pop elements like idols”.

And he said, “Korean drama ‘Winter Sonata’ which began broadcasting in Korea in 2002, became popular in Vietnam, too. And today, Korean movies, music, and fashion are still popular and have influence in Vietnam through the Internet. On the other hand, economically Korea has invested a lot in Vietnam. Therefore, we believe that Korea and Vietnam have strong diplomatic relations both economically and culturally”.

Dr. Nhat Anh’s lecture has given us the opportunity to learn more about Vietnam. We didn’t know much about Vietnam up to now. Through this time, we also had a great opportunity to learn about the connection between Vietnamese culture and K-POP. His talks stimulated our intellectual curiosity and made us want to know more about Vietnam.

We would like to express our sincere thanks to Dr. Nhat Anh. Thank you very much!

(Written by Shuho Okumura, Ayaka Ota)