


Have you ever wondered how to get experience working with people overseas if travel is restricted because of COVID-19? 海外渡航が難しいときに、海外の人と協力して働く経験を積むには、どうしたらいいでしょう?

One way to do this is to participate in a COIL project. COIL stands for “collaborative online international learning.” In this type of project, students in Japan work together with students in another country to complete a project.

その方法のひとつは、COILプロジェクトへの参加です。COILとは、Collaborative Online International Learning の略です。日本にいる学生が、海外の学生と一緒になって、1つのプロジェクトを完成させるのです。

Recently, 47 second-year seminar students in the Faculty of Foreign Studies participated in a COIL project with students in Taiwan.

What did students work on? Students explored the issue of sustainable tourism. Perhaps you have already studied sustainable development goals (SDGs) at high school. The field of sustainable tourism looks at how SDGs can be applied to tourism. For example, how can local governments and citizens deal with the garbage and traffic that are generated by tourism? Students at Setsunan University and in Taiwan examined issues caused by tourism in their hometowns and discussed how to solve these problems in English.


How did students work on this project? Students used Flipgrid to communicate with each other. Flipgrid is an app that allows the exchange of videos within a project group. Working in small groups, students made videos to introduce themselves and to give presentations on sustainable tourism. After watching the videos from the Taiwanese students, they made videos to ask questions about those videos and to answer the questions they received from the Taiwanese students. At first, making the videos was a challenge, but as students gained experience over the five weeks of the project, it became easier and easier to communicate through videos with the students in Taiwan.


What can students learn from this kind of project? Perhaps you are interested in working in the tourism industry in the future. If you participate in a project like this, you can learn about some of the issues that exist in the that industry. Being more aware of these issues will better prepare you to think of solutions or ways of managing these issues.



Also, working on an online project will give you experience working with online tools. More and more companies are conducting work online, so you might be able to use these skills in the future. Finally, working with students from other countries while you are a university student can prepare you for working with tourists from overseas. So, why not try a COIL program while you are at Setsunan University?



アメリカのコミュニティカレッジと国際協働オンライン学習(COIL)プロジェクト | 摂南大学 国際学部|オリジナルサイト (setsunan.ac.jp)
米国Berry大学のPu先生によるゲスト講義! | 摂南大学 国際学部|オリジナルサイト (setsunan.ac.jp)